Hidden Mountain Observatory FAQ

Hidden Mountain Observatory Reservation Form

Observatory Star Parties and Group Functions Safe and Secure Reservations From

The heavens declare the glory of God... Psalm 19:1 KJV The Holy Bible

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Use this secure form to safely reserve an evening at Hidden Mountain Observatory. So sorry, but due to parking and space limitations at the observatory, only reservations with a minimum of four (4) to a maximum of sixteen (16) participants in the group will be accepted and processed.

Before pressing "SUBMIT", please ensure all information is accurate with a phone number where we may contact you on the day of your tour if there are any scheduling changes. No charges will appear on your credit card until availability has been verified. If any issues, we will follow-up immediately. If you have a back-up date, please enter that in the appropriate field below. If your primary, or backup date is open your reservation will be processed and an email will be sent to include all details including presentation start time, location, and total to include 13.71 percent of Tennessee state and local taxes as well as processing fees.


* Requested Date: (mm/dd/yy) * Day: (Fri, Mon, etc.)

If available, please give us an alternate date just in-case your primary is sold out.
Back-up Date: (mm/dd/yy) Back-up Day:

* Total Number in Your Party, five and up:

Children four (4) and under, if any:

* Name: (Name of the person making the reservation)

* Phone: (Number we can reach you on your party date)

* Email: (Where you want your tour confirmation sent)

Visa MasterCard Discover American ExpressSSL Certificate

* Name On Credit Card:
* Zip Code:

* Credit Card Number:
* Exp: (mm/yy)

Comments: Use the optional space below to list any questions, or special needs for your party. Describe any equipment you would like to bring to the site to setup and use on your own. Power will be provided upon request, but bring a portable battery, just in case. Also, if this is for a birthday party, let us know if you would like an Hidden Mountain Observatory Astronomy themed cake (add $40) along with any design preferences and we'll include this.

Please ensure all information on your star party reservation form is correct and click the "Submit" button below only once. Please wait several seconds as it takes a few moments for your form to fully process and bring up the acknowledgement and/or "Thank You" page.
Click here to Submit Your Form


TO RESERVE BY PHONE CALL 1 (423) 743-WALK (9255)

Upon clicking the "SEND" button above, you will then see our "THANK YOU" page indicating your reservation form has been successfully sent for processing. An asterik in the form above indicates where information is required. If that field is left blank, you will then see an "ERROR" page after clicking "SEND". Simply hit the "BACK" button on your device to go back and ensure that no field is left blank. Then click "SEND" once again.

Once again, all of the details about your party will be sent via email following the processing of your reservation form. Please keep in mind that all arrangements are non-refundable, but good for up to one year from the date of purchase and you may renew your tour credit for another year, if neccesary. We thank you for choosing Hidden Mountain Observatory, presented by Appalachian GhostWalks Ghost History and Bigfoot Adventure Tours. We look forward to seeing you soon!!!


The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Hidden Mountain Observatory Contact Information
Want to make contact? Hidden Mountain Observatory would love to hear from you! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for exciting updates.

Email: [email protected]
Telephone for Mobile and Text: 1 (423) 743-9255
Mailing Address: Hidden Mountain Observatory
PO Box 153, Unicoi, TN 37692

Hidden Mountain Astronomical SocietyHidden Mountain Observatory TelescopeBays Mountain Astronomy Club MemberHidden Mountain Observatory AstrographAstronomrical League Member
Proud Member of Hidden Mountain Astronomical Society, the Astronomical League,
and Bays Mountain Astronomy Club (BMAC) of Bays Mountain Park and Planetarium

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