Hidden Mountain Observatory Pricing and Group Rates

Hidden Mountain Observatory Party Pricing

Information on Pricing for Observatory Star Parties with Group Rates

The heavens declare the glory of God... Psalm 19:1 KJV The Holy Bible

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Scheduling and Party Planning Information

Hidden Mountain Observatory is open year-round, nightly with advance reservations for private star parties. The recommended start time is usually one, or two hours before sunset to allow time for setup of your equipment, if any. Obviously, suggested start times can vary according to the time of the year, but are flexible and can be adjusted, if desired.

Presentations about the night sky by a resident Astronomer may be requested at no additional charge and generally last sixty to ninety minutes. Observers with their own equipment are invited to utilize the site, with many level, grassy areas on which to set up. Those doing so are welcome to continue observing until dawn, if desired, and weather permitting. It is highly recommended that those doing so arrive before sunset to set up their equipment as the site is very dark, especially on moonless nights. All lights must have an appropriate red filter to preserve night vision for all guests.

There is a minimum of four (4) persons needed to book a party and, presently, all groups are limited to a maximum of sixteen participants on any given night due to the size limitations of the venue. Rates are subject to change and reservations are accepted up to one year in advance. You may change your date as often as you like without fees or penalties if weather is uncooperative on the date of your star party, or group function. All proceeds will go to help fund site improvements and future educational public programs. We appreciate your support!

Observatory Party Pricing with Group Rates

The following are our current group rates for star parties and private viewing sessions held at the observatory and are subject to change. Groups of four (4) to eight (8) in the party are $45 per person. Groups of eight (8) to sixteen (16) are $40 per person. No charge for children 4 and under, but they do not count toward the number in your party.

RESERVE NOW ONLINE, or CALL (423) 743-WALK (9255)

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Hidden Mountain Observatory Contact Information
Want to make contact? Hidden Mountain Observatory would love to hear from you! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for exciting updates.

Email: [email protected]
Telephone for Mobile and Text: 1 (423) 743-9255
Mailing Address: Hidden Mountain Observatory
PO Box 153, Unicoi, TN 37692

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Proud Member of Hidden Mountain Astronomical Society, the Astronomical League,
and Bays Mountain Astronomy Club (BMAC) of Bays Mountain Park and Planetarium

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