Hidden Mountain Astronomical Society

Introducing Hidden Mountain Astronomical Society

Welcome to All Supporting Friends of Hidden Mountain Observatory

The heavens declare the glory of God... Psalm 19:1 KJV The Holy Bible

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Welcome to "Hidden Mountain Astronomical Society (HMAS)". There will be more about the organization, just in it's birthing stages at this time, here on this page as we progress with planning and grow with out public programs and events. Send us an email if you would like to join our community of like minded indviduals from all over the mountains East Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, Western North Carolina and beyond!!

At Hidden Mountain Observatory we believe the sky and all that can be found there represents a true gift to those of us on Earth who truly appreciate the mysterious and hidden beauty all around us. When we turn the fantastic tools skyward, which God has inspired us to build with the ingenuity He has bestowed upon us, the mysteries we find beyond planet Earth begin to unveil themselves with breathtaking beauty.

The Heavens Delcare the Glory of God from the Book of Psalms in the Bible is more than just a motto for us. It is a philosophy of exploration and a devotion to uplifting the spirit of mankind through the heavenly wonders revealed to us through Astrophotography. We invite you to come and explore the "Glory of God" with us here at Hidden Mountain Observatory.

Friends of Hidden Mountain Observatory - With a gift of $100, you qualify for membership benefits to include invitations to private observing events at the Observatory. Click here for further information and to send your gift to support this important work... Become a Friend Today!!

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Hidden Mountain Observatory Contact Information
Want to make contact? Hidden Mountain Observatory would love to hear from you! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for exciting updates.

Email: [email protected]
Telephone for Mobile and Text: 1 (423) 743-9255
Mailing Address: Hidden Mountain Observatory
PO Box 153, Unicoi, TN 37692

Hidden Mountain Astronomical SocietyHidden Mountain Observatory TelescopeBays Mountain Astronomy Club MemberHidden Mountain Observatory AstrographAstronomrical League Member
Proud Member of Hidden Mountain Astronomical Society, the Astronomical League,
and Bays Mountain Astronomy Club (BMAC) of Bays Mountain Park and Planetarium

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